Bonus meditation: Your vision. Your time.

Show notes

With a fresh year ahead of us we have the opportunity for new projects, new thoughts, new mindsets.

Get connected with your own vision for this year. What goals do you have? How do you want to feel this year? What do you want to change?

You can allow yourself to take time and breathe. Always remember to be sustainable with your own energy. It's your life. Your path.

Love, Sandy


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Show transcript

Hello and welcome to this very special bonus episode of the Green the Web podcast. I'm your host, Sandy Dähnert, and in this podcast we usually discuss ecologically and socially sustainable use and I design and to bring more sustainability in your own life and in your own energy management.

I thought, why not have a little meditation on taking your own time and finding your own vision for this year to really centering into yourself and just breathing, letting go for a minute of the achievements you want to have in this year and really centering and building a foundation just for a minute. I'm really curious afterwards what you thought of today's episode of this little meditation. Just let me know on Instagram at Green, the Web or on LinkedIn, at Green, the Web, or any kind of community that you can find me in. I'm really curious what you got out of it. And then let's get started.

Find a comfortable seat. If you're at home, you can sit down. You can lie down. You can just walk around in nature, of course, as well. Find a spot that you feel comfortable in right now. And then take a deep breath in through your nose. And a deep breath out through your mouth. The breadth and. And out. And another one. Deep breath in. And out. Follow your breath. Follow each breath in, each breath out and feel into your body. How do you feel right now? Do you feel really calm or do you feel stressed? You feel light and breezy. Or can you feel tension? Can you slow down your breath even more? Can you make it softer and breathe in and out through your belly? See if you have any tension in your jaw. In your shoulders. Or anywhere else in your body. What is your vision for this year for 2023? What goals do you have? Do you want to see? How do you want to feel this year? When you have a quick look back onto 2022. What do you want to continue? What do you want to leave in the last year and not take with you into this new year? Did you have enough time in the last year to actually. Enjoy your path to breathe in between and to celebrate the wins that you had. And you take much more time this year to, first of all, build a foundation that's beginning of the year of what you want to achieve. As well as during the year. To breathe in between. What counts is not just the outcome of our processes and projects. What counts is the path in between. Our whole life is a path in between. It's okay to enjoy every step along the way. We often get so impatient. We often want to. This thing's done in a much shorter time and we get frustrated if it doesn't come up in a certain amount of time and takes longer and longer. But it's all okay. We can't change the life that's going on. From all different people around us, from all different global aspects and challenges. We are no machines. We are human beings with emotions. Struggles. With celebrations. With passions. We don't have the same energy every single day. How can you incorporate that? You can allow yourself to take your time this year. Take your time at the beginning of the year to really grasp your vision of the year. You can take your time during the year. Allow yourself to breathe. We usually only achieve when we practice, when we practice often. Over and over again. That is part of life. We started walking. It didn't happen overnight. Didn't happen within two days. Probably happened over a couple of days or weeks until we actually achieved it. And that is fine and everyone cheered us on. Can you celebrate yourself and your own steps that you're taking along your way? You don't have to burn out. It's okay if things are easy, if things go in a slower pace. There are plenty of studies showing that purpose driven entrepreneurs are more in danger of going into burnout. Being on one of those. It's okay to slow down and to speed up again. Honor your energy. Honor who you are. Allow yourself to have time to have space. Shows us exactly how to do that if nature has more time and more space to regenerate. It will do exactly that in an impressive way. Allow yourself to do that as well. You’re nature. You are a part of nature. And it's okay to take the time to breathe in between. It's okay to take the time to build something from the ground up. Things usually don't happen overnight. That's the beauty of nature in life. Take a deep breath in. A deep breath out. What's your vision for 2023? Again, how do you want to feel this year? And also ask yourself how you can achieve exactly that. Maybe not by doing things, but by exactly not doing things. Thank you for listening today. See you next week.

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