What is sustainable UX/UI design?

Show notes

What the heck can be understood as sustainable UX/UI design? That's a question I want to answer today.

Let's dive deeper into some ecological as well as social parts of sustainable design. We will go through User Research, Information Architecture, User Interface Design and communication design. All applicable for websites, web/mobile applications, software, emails, digital documents and all kinds of other digital products.

Topics in this episode

  • What is UX/UI design?
  • What is sustainability for me?
  • What is ecologically and socially sustainable UX/UI design?
  • What other aspects need to be considered for sustainable digitalization?

Mentioned blog posts

👉 Mother Nature as a persona

👉 Environment Centered User Journey Maps

Enjoy the episode and let me know afterwards what you think of it via Instagram @greentheweb or LinkedIn @greentheweb.

Love, Sandy


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