Bonus meditation: End of year reflections

Show notes

The end of a year is a great time to reflect and ground oneself. It can help to get a deeper connection with our own lives and to not just let it slip by.

What happened this year? In partnership, friendships, family, business, other areas of your life.

What were major occasions, moments and experiences?

What did you achieve? What things are there to celebrate?

What were moments or experiences that might have been challenging? How did you conquer them? Is there anything to learn from them?

How did you feel throughout this year? What were the different energies of this year?

What would you tell your one year younger self? Any advice you would have wanted to give yourself?

Last but not least, what is your intention for next year? How do you want to feel?

Love, Sandy


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Show transcript

The end of a year is a great time to reflect and ground oneself. It can help to get a deeper connection with our own lives and to not just let it slip by.

So welcome to the Green the Web podcast. It's a podcast about ecologically and socially sustainable design. I'm your host, Sandy Dähnert, a freelance UX, UI designer and researcher based in Cologne in Germany, and the mind behind Green The Web. Plus, I'm also a yoga and sound meditation teacher. If you didn't know that, now you do.

And once in a while I publish some bonus meditations that you can take for yourself. And this one is about your reflections, the end of year reflections. So let's dive straight into it for that. Find a comfortable seat. Or you can also walk around in nature and just enjoying some fresh air. Whatever you need. You can sit. You can lie down and get comfortable. If you're not walking or driving, close your eyes if it feels good to you.

And then take a deep breath in. And a deep breath out. Calm your mind. Calm your body. Relax your muscles. Relax your jaw. Become softer with yourself. With your breath. With your body. With your mind. Feel how your breath is moving through your body. And slow it down. And slow down your breath. Every breath in. Every breath out. And then imagine being in a museum. You're in a museum that is beautiful and you see many different kinds of pictures on the walls around you. Some are small, some are big. The huge, beautiful museum. With those pictures all hanging up on the wall. And you start to get closer to those pictures. And you see that those are actually the pictures of your life. It's your very own personal museum. That you're standing in. And then start with the pictures that are dated back to January, the beginning of this year. How did this year start? The very first day of January. What did you think? How did you feel? What were your plans, your goals, your vision? Your wishes? And then go through every day or week. Of this year. What happened throughout every single month. From January. To February to March. Think of the first three months. In terms of your partnerships, your friendships, family, business. Even other areas of your life. Think through from April to May to June. What has happened in those different months. Think from July to August to September. How did things shift change? And think about October, November to December of this year. Really take a look on those pictures in this museum. From January to December of this year. Again, think about your partnerships, friendships, family, business, and other areas of your life. What were major occasions, moments, experiences? What did you achieve? What things are there to celebrate? What were moments or experiences that might have been challenging. How did you conquer them? Is there anything to learn from those challenging experiences? How did you feel throughout this year? And what were the different energies of those 12 months that you just lived?

Take a deep breath in through your nose. And a deep breath out through your mouth. If you want two three times more. Deep breath. Cleaning your body from energies you want to let go.

What would you tell your one year younger self? 12 months ago. Is there any advice you would have wanted to give yourself? And then last but not least, what is your intention for the next year? How do you want to feel? And then take another deep breath in. And deep breath out. And if you want, you can write down the thoughts that you had. Be kind to yourself. Be kind to others. And thank you for joining me in this meditation. See you in the next episode.

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