Sustainable web design communities and how they can support you

Show notes

It's always extremely helpful to connect with others that are on the same mission. Being in those communities helped me a lot to feel not alone. To have a place to go to.

Topics in this episode

  • What sustainable web design communities are there?
  • How can those communities help?
  • What are my main recommendations in how to use them?

Which communities are you in already? Do you know additional ones that should be added to the list?

Let me know what you think of this episode via Instagram @greentheweb or LinkedIn.

Mentioned communities and website pages

👉 👉 Sustainable UX (SUX)) 👉 Climate Designers 👉 Mindful Commerce 👉 Reflecta 👉 Bits und Bäume 👉 Find even more free resources on my website

Love, Sandy


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